Every day morning, you feel unhappy thinking of the day.What do you do when you want to quit your job, but can't at the moment?
1.Why are you working here if you hate the job?
I know the answer is that you need the money.but why do you need the money? To cover daily expenses? Are you saving for something to do better?
Or this is the job for your stepping stone to do something better.
Take a holiday, and immerse yourself in your “dream” job full-time, the one that you’ve already been doing on the side. Or pursue that better job, the one to which this was a stepping-stone.Alternatively, if you are in this for the money and are currently working your ass off, take a day off from your double-shift, to think about it.
Don’t be afraid to quit your job and look for something better.
It might not be an option to quit right now, but create that option.
Life is too short to waste on something you hate.
And there’s no better feeling than quitting a job you hate. There are better jobs out there for you.
1.Why are you working here if you hate the job?
I know the answer is that you need the money.but why do you need the money? To cover daily expenses? Are you saving for something to do better?
Or this is the job for your stepping stone to do something better.
Take a holiday, and immerse yourself in your “dream” job full-time, the one that you’ve already been doing on the side. Or pursue that better job, the one to which this was a stepping-stone.Alternatively, if you are in this for the money and are currently working your ass off, take a day off from your double-shift, to think about it.
Don’t be afraid to quit your job and look for something better.
It might not be an option to quit right now, but create that option.
Life is too short to waste on something you hate.
And there’s no better feeling than quitting a job you hate. There are better jobs out there for you.